MIF Creative50
Data Mapping: Lonely places
The Challenge: Exploring themes of loneliness in response to "What is the city but the people?"

The Opportunity: How might we reduce loneliness?

The Approach: We all feel lonely at different points, it's a haunting feeling that no one wants to repeat. But, where do you go when you feel lonely? And what would you want to hear from someone if you felt this loneliness? These are some questions asked in response to 'What is the city but the people?', and data captures through user participation.

The Result: In this piece, lonely spot in manchester are mapped out, with the information of what to say if someone feels lonely in the location. Places are distinguished by whether people go to be alone, or around others, as well the type of place such as home, cafe, gym etc. If we understand each other better, observe when someone feels lonely, and know what to say to them we can help make the world a less lonely place.

Join in and add your favourite place to be alone, and what you'd like to hear if you felt lonely.
Manchester International Festival

In response to
'What is the city but the people?'

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